Project on Increasing the Awareness on Carbon Emission
Hello everyone and good day to you!!! Aliff Zamri here bringing you back on the next project we are tasked to do. The task we are told to create is to increase awareness towards climate change to the public and how we can we make a difference in this situation.
For this task i decided to make an animated version of what can cause a a temperature change to the world. On the left side of the screen are the things that are most likely to affect the rise in temperature while the right are ways to prevent the increase of temperature of the world. I put a thermometer in the middle of the tree just so people can see how temperature change plays an important role in carbon footprint on both side.

The theme i am going for this are "opposite attract" like yin and yang or day and night . Where the right screen being the yin since it is full of beautiful and vibrant colors which are pleasing to look while the left screen the yang being a dull and dirty side of the environment not really a sight to behold. Although yin and yang goes with the concept of balance but this are more of a warning on what the world can be depending on the choices we make to the environment.
I used Adobe Animate to create the Animation GIF where i make sure that most of the things in this picture move, like the tree slightly moving like it was blew by the wind. The leaf transition from right to left and transition its color the moment it reaches the other side of the screen. The grass on the ground move slightly and the smoke from the factory move a bit. 

Everything you see on the screen is created by yours truly from scratch and it took me 51 layers and 132 frames to create this. I used motion tween to make the the things that move on the screen and for the leaf color change i just do a frame by frame animation while making it into a symbol and rotate it inside the symbol.

That would be all the thing i am going to show for this task. Stay tune for more of my task real soon.
Opposite Change

Opposite Change
